Restorative Dentistry – Burbank, CA

Repairing Smiles with World-Class Dentistry

All fillings, onlays, and dental crowns are not the same, dental restorations are handmade and, repairing damaged or decayed teeth requires a skilled dental professional, a great dentistry team, excellent dental materials, and a laboratory that can deliver natural dnetal restorations that look beautiful and offer maximum support and protection. With traditional dentistry, however, many individuals often lose valuable tooth structure as a result. Fortunately, Dr. Ruiz’s approach involves supra-gingival, minimally invasive techniques, which involve removing less existing tooth structure by staying above the gum line and maintaining healthier gums and smiles. Contact us to learn if you’re a candidate for restorative dentistry in Burbank, CA.


Why Choose Dr. Ruiz & Associates, Inc for Restorative Dentistry?

  • CEREC Technology Available for Same-Day Crowns
  • An experienced dental team using supra-gingival dental techniques.
  • Dental Insurance Welcome & Financing Available


Tooth-Colored Fillings

Animated smile with tooth colored filling

Traditional amalgam was once the only way to fill in areas of a tooth plagued by decay. Nowadays, dental experts use tooth-colored fillings. Dr. Ruiz is pleased to offer patients a safer and more aesthetically pleasing alternative that not only seals and protects the vulnerable tooth from future reinfection but also, creates a seamless look that helps to boost confidence.

Learn More About Tooth-Colored Fillings


Dental Crowns

Model smile with dental crown

It’s not uncommon for dentists to remove a significant amount of tooth structure when preparing to place a dental crown. Fortunately, Dr. Ruiz offers a different approach by removing only the damaged tissue and avoiding the gumline. Using thinner, translucent restorations, the natural tooth is more evident, creating a healthier, more beautiful smile. And, using CEREC technology, we can create our dental crowns in-house while you wait.

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CEREC Same-Day Crowns

Close-up of machine used to mill CEREC dental crowns

The CEREC system helps save our patients a lot of time and inconvenience when it comes to getting a dental crown. You won’t have to worry about scheduling multiple appointments or having to wear a temporary restoration. Thanks to an in-office milling machine, CEREC crowns can be created and placed in just one visit. On top of that, your crown will be exactly the right shape and size because it will be designed based on high-quality digital impressions of your smile.

Learn More About CEREC Same-Day Crowns


Root Canal Treatment

Model healthy tooth and tooth in need of root canal treatment

Commonly called a root canal, this type of treatment is a form of endodontic therapy that is often recommended if the tooth pulp and nerves become infected or damaged. This may occur if injury or decay reaches deep into the tooth, past the outer enamel layer. When left untreated, this type of infection and disease may cause the tooth to die and necessitate tooth extraction.


To restore the health of the tooth and avoid the need for extraction, our skilled dentist will remove the infected and injured tissues from within the tooth, clean the tooth, and fill it with a medicated material. We will then cap the tooth with a restoration, such as a dental crown, to return it to its original shape and structure. In most cases, a root canal can be completed in only one or two comfortable visits to our dental office.


Root canal treatment has a reputation for being painful. In reality, however, root canals can often be completed with minimal discomfort thanks to advanced techniques, tools, and anesthesia. Our dentist and entire team work hard to provide you with a pleasant and comfortable experience each time you visit our dental office.

Learn More About Root Canal Treatment


Dental Bridges

Animated smile during dental bridge placement

If you are missing a single tooth or multiple teeth in a row, we may recommend a dental bridge to restore your smile. A bridge is a fixed dental restoration, meaning it is non-removable. The dental bridge is anchored in place through the use of two dental crowns, which are custom-made to fit your smile and are placed on the teeth or dental implants next to the space left by the missing tooth. These crowns hold the artificial tooth in place to restore your smile, ensuring that your restoration will not easily shift or come loose.


It typically requires only two visits to our dental office to complete, and they are designed to last for many years while restoring the function, beauty, and health of your smile.


Our dentist may recommend a dental bridge to improve your smile by:


  • Restoring your ability to speak, eat, and chew normally
  • Alleviating excess stress on the bite
  • Improving the shape and volume of your face
  • Replacing an unwanted, removable partial denture
  • Preventing the remaining natural teeth from moving out of position
  • Enhancing the appearance of your smile