Who Is Not a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

June 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drruiz @ 6:14 am

Dental implants can help replace missing teeth that might make you uncomfortable, but they’re not for everyone. Different health and lifestyle factors can affect how well implants work. In this post, we’ll break down who might not be the best fit for dental implants. Keep reading!

Who IS NOT a good candidate for dental implants?

The reality is that not everyone is a suitable candidate for dental implants. But who are these people and what conditions might they have that prevent them from being a good candidate?

Lack of bone density

For the most part, patients with osteoporosis, which is when your bone density decreases, are still candidates for dental implants. However, significant loss of bone density can become an issue if it becomes so severe that your jawbone is no longer able to provide the support needed for your dental implant. This doesn’t mean that you can’t get a dental implant, however, it just means that you may need additional procedures, such as bone grafting, to increase the density of your jawbone to create a stable base for your dental implant. Your dentist should be able to tell you if this is something that should be done before getting a dental implant.


Age can also play a role in determining if you’re a candidate for dental implants. The minimum age to get a dental implant is typically around 18 years old. This is because people younger than that usually have not reached the skeletal maturity needed for a dental implant. If this is the case for you (or your child), ask your dentist about timing or alternative treatments if needed.

Pregnancy or breastfeeding

Dental implants are not recommended for pregnant women for a few reasons. First off, there are changes in a woman’s immune system during pregnancy that could put them at higher risk of infection. Second, women also experience hormone changes during pregnancy that could increase gum inflammation and affect their recovery after the surgery. And third, x-rays are a part of the process when getting dental implants, and since they emit radiation which can be harmful to the unborn child, it is better to postpone dental implant surgery until after giving birth.

Heavy smokers

If you’re a heavy smoker, you might not be the best candidate for dental implants (although you need to check with your dentist to make sure). One of the reasons for this is that smokers have a much higher risk for gum disease, which can affect the success of a dental implant. Risk of infection is also higher as a smoker and the recovery period will likely be much slower for a smoker as well. These are both things that can increase the risk of implant failure as well. So, if you are a heavy smoker and have a missing tooth that you’d like to replace with an implant, it’s time to stop!

People who have poor oral hygiene

People who have poor oral hygiene may also not be great candidates for dental implants. One of the reasons for this is because poor oral hygiene can lead to complications for your dental implant. Poor oral hygiene can also lead to gum disease, which can affect the success of your dental implant as well. The great thing is that this is an easy fix! Start keeping up with good oral hygiene by:

People with advanced gum disease

If you have advanced gum disease, you may not be a good candidate for dental implant surgery. One reason for this is because advanced stages of gum disease can cause bone loss. If it’s severe, you may not be a good candidate because dental implants require a strong, healthy jawbone to be successful. The good news is that there are a variety of treatments for gum disease, so that you improve your oral health and get ready for a dental implant. 

People taking certain medications

If you’re taking certain medications, you might not be an ideal candidate for dental implants. Some medications can interfere with the success of dental implant procedures. This may include blood thinners, SSRIs,

bisphosphonates, and steroids. Your dentist will need to review your medications and overall health before deciding if implants are a safe option for you. They might suggest alternative treatments or adjustments to your medication plan to ensure the best outcome.

Who IS a good candidate for dental implants?

Now that we’ve discussed who is a bad candidate for dental implants, let’s discuss who’s a good candidate. This typically includes people:

  • With good overall and oral health
  • With a healthy, fully developed jawbone
  • With healthy gum tissue
  • Who aren’t taking certain medications
  • Who don’t smoke

Visit Dr. Ruiz & Associates, Inc for dental implants in Burbank

After reading this article, do you think you’re a candidate for dental implants? Or do you think you may not be a good candidate? Well, you need an experienced dentist to help you figure this out! That’s why it’s so important to choose an experienced dentist! If you’re in the Burbank area and come visit our dentist office in Burbank, CA
Dr. Ruiz is a renowned dentist, educator, and researcher who is known as a pioneer in supra-gingival minimally invasive dentistry, or “above the gums dentistry.” This is a healthier form of dentistry that protects soft oral tissues and produces long-lasting, beautiful results. And all of our staff are trained in these techniques. Check out our Google reviews and schedule an appointment with us today!

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