What Happens During a Teeth Cleaning?

February 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drruiz @ 8:21 pm

Your oral health is an essential part of your overall health and well-being. In fact, poor oral health has even been linked with other conditions like heart disease and strokes. While good oral health starts at home by brushing, flossing, and avoiding sugary foods as much as possible, visiting the dentist for regular teeth cleanings and checkups is also very important. 

Some people put off this recommendation for far too long due to anxiety about what will happen at their appointments. So, in this article, we’ll go over what happens during a teeth cleaning appointment.

Let’s get into it.

What happens during a teeth cleaning

Initial oral exam

Your teeth cleaning will typically start with your dental hygienist examining your mouth, teeth, and gums. They’ll make sure that there aren’t any underlying conditions so that they can continue with your cleaning.

Removal of plaque and tartar

Over time, dental plaque will build up on your teeth. Plaque contains bacteria that can break down your tooth enamel. If not removed, over time, plaque will turn into tartar and cause things like cavities, gingivitis, and periodontitis. So, at your teeth cleaning, your dental hygienist will work to remove this plaque and tartar. Keep in mind that once plaque turns into tartar, it can’t be removed by just brushing your teeth. 

Your dental hygienist might perform a process called scaling and planing if they need to remove plaque buildup from below your gumline. This is typically reserved for people with mild to moderate gum disease.

Teeth polishing and flossing

After removing the plaque and tartar from your teeth, your dental hygienist will polish them with an electric brush and a gritty toothpaste. Your hygienist will then floss your teeth in places that you might have missed at home due to them being hard to reach. 

Rinsing (with fluoride)

After all this cleaning, your hygienist will give you a mouth rinse to get rid of any debris left in your mouth. This rinse usually has fluoride in it. Fluoride is a mineral that has been found to protect your enamel from decay.


X-rays will typically be done once a year, so in only of your visits if you keep up with the ADA recommendation of two cleanings a year. 

Checkup with dentist

After your dental hygienist has finished up your cleaning, your dentist will typically come in to examine your mouth, teeth, and gums and look for signs of any issues with your oral health.

Go over improvements you can make

Education can often play a part in your teeth cleaning appointments. If your dental hygienist found a lot of plaque and tartar buildup during your appointment, they might give recommendations on how you can improve your at-home oral care.

How long does a teeth cleaning take?

A regular teeth cleaning appointment will typically take just 30-60 minutes long. However, if you need a deep cleaning or if issues are noticed, the appointment might last a little longer.

What are the benefits of teeth cleanings?

As stated earlier, dental cleanings are vital to maintaining good oral health. Some benefits of teeth cleanings are:

  • They reduce the risk of serious oral health issues.
  • They can prevent bad breath (since plaque and tartar can cause it). Cleanings also remove harmful microorganisms that cause disease from your teeth.
  • They can save you money over time since preventative treatments are also more affordable than restorative treatments like fillings, crowns, onlays, and bridges. 

Does everyone need a dental cleaning every six months?

While twice-a-year dental cleanings are the recommendation for most people, there are some situations that necessitate more frequent teeth cleanings. For example:

  • If you have gum disease
  • If you have a weakened immune system
  • If you have family members with a history of cavities
  • If you have certain illnesses

But don’t guess if you need more frequent cleanings. Talk to your dentist!

Visit Dr. Ruiz & Associates, Inc for a teeth cleaning in Burbank, CA

Teeth cleanings are an important part of your oral health and, therefore, overall health. So, if you’re in the Burbank, CA, area and are in need of a teeth cleaning, visit our dentist office in Burbank

At our office, you will be seated quickly and will be provided with world-class dentistry. Dr. Ruiz is a renowned dentist, educator, and researcher who is known as a pioneer in supra-gingival minimally invasive dentistry, or “above the gums dentistry.” This is a healthier form of dentistry that protects soft oral tissues and produces long-lasting, beautiful results. And all of our staff are trained in these techniques.

Check out our Google reviews and call our office to make an appointment!

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